lunes, 11 de octubre de 2010


I have chosen the lynx because since I saw it in the zoo when I was a little girl attracted my attention by his hair of face and his look.
I think that it is a quiet, agile animal and use the sense of hearing and sight. They usually eat rabbits. It is a delicate looking animal, but it is one of the feline fastest. They are solitary and nomadic. The lynx rest between the scrubs to camouflage.
During the summer the lynx are more active at night.
I identify with the lynx because I also like eat rabbits, it is my favorite plate. I'm quiet, I like the vegetation and in the summer I go out quite at night.
It's a very nice animal so we must help this endangered specie.

lunes, 4 de octubre de 2010


These summer pictures are my favorites. These moments are that I want remember. It has been the most exciting because I didn’t bored at any time.
My parents, my twin sister and I were a few days in Pamplona. It was very hot and we took many photos. Pamplona is very nice, the parks are very big and are full of trees, flowers, scrubs, benches and fountains. There is also the old town, it is very beautiful and very interesting, we went to the bullring but it was closed.
During the summer my sister and I went every day to the swimming pool, sometimes in the afternoon we went to the beach.
Myrna and I went to Natalia’s home, there is a big swimming pool that we love, and then we went to skating or walking. We celebreted the Nerea's birthday, with Neus, Marc and Myrna.
I enjoyed very much the day we met with Homa and Eli, we went to the foam party and we fun with young children. At night we went to the Fortia village, when played music.
It's been a great summer!